Registered Scrum Trainer™ by Scrum Inc.

Jean Pierre Berchez

Jean Pierre has been working in information technology since 1992. Here he was working in a variety of roles, at some of the most innovative players in the area of Software Development. JP had his first contact with Scrum in 1995. He was working at EASEL at the same time when Jeff Sutherland Ph.D. created the first Scrum Team at EASEL. Since working as managing director of TogehterSoft from 1999 to 2003, the human factor has been the focus of all work for JP. TogetherSoft Germany was organized under JP as a company with flat hierarchies and small autonomous sales teams in which the employees could help shape the organization. Since the agile values can be wonderfully and naturally reconciled with this approach, JP focuses on training with a focus on agile and lean organizational development. Besides his work in the industry, he put emphasis on teaching Scrum as a lecturer at Universities in Germany and Liechtenstein. Visit JP's Scrum-Events website:

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4.5 out of 5

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4.64 out of 5

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Out of 38 total ratings
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