The International Registry of Agile Professionals™

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The Agilists and Scrum Professionals listed in The International Registry of Agile Professionals have earned their Agile Education credentials by completing Scrum Inc.’s curriculum. Our curriculum was developed from Dr. Jeff Sutherland and Scrum Inc.’s 20+ years of experience delivering twice the value at half the cost in organizations around the globe. Sutherland is the co-creator of Scrum, inventor of Scrum@Scale, and signatory of the Agile Manifesto.

Search the International Registry of Agile Professionals below to identify and verify credential holders. Filter your search by name, country, and/or credential type.

Please note that if a credential holder elected to opt-out of the registry, they may not appear in the International Registry of Agile Professionals. If you are a current credential holder and do not see your credential listed in the search results, please log in to ScrumLab and edit your opt-in settings.
